Fall / Winter Workshops 2024

Introduction to Enamel Workshop

Instructor: Gayane Avetisyan

During this workshop, we will discover the magical world of enameling. You will be introduced to the basics of this technique by creating your own sample pieces on copper, using different traditional and alternative enameling techniques. The pieces you make can then be transformed into wearable art, small scale art objects or prototypes for future works.

  • Bilingual class

  • Tuesday evening

  • October 15, 2024

  • 6:30pm to 10:30pm

  • $125.00 ( taxes not included )

  • Materials + $25.00

Maximum 6 students per class

Introduction to the PUK Workshop

What you will learn in this workshop:

  1. What is pulsed arc welding?

  2. PUK applications

  3. Presentation of the different elements of the machine and its interface

  4. How the machine works

  5. Main settings

  6. Safety measures

  7. Welding test on different materials

Time :3 hrs

Prerequisites : None

Required in class: Silver, gold and Stainless steel scrap. Scrap jump rings and silver chains.

Instructor: Camille Ouellette

Bilingual Class

Tuesday evening, October 22, 2024

Session 2 evening: 6 to 9 pm

Cost - $90.00 ( taxes not included )

Discover the benefits of heat-free welding technology! Say goodbye to fire scale. Solder tiny rings and make quickly make repairs Repair prongs or jewellery with stones. Correct porosity and fill cavities. These are some of the things that PUK or pulsed arc welding allows you to do!

No purchase of materials required if you bring your scrap and your own projects ( projects optional )

Resources :



Maximum 6 Students

The World of Gemmology

Join us for a captivating and informative night as we delve into the fascinating realm of gemmology. Our workshops, led by esteemed gemologists Aurélie Aubry and Lucille Daver, both holding PhD’s in Earth Sciences, promise to demystify the art of gemmology.
Gain valuable insights and knowledge as Aurélie and Lucille share their expertise and passion for gems. This immersive experience is designed to be both stimulating and enriching, offering participants an opportunity to explore the intricate world of gemstones.

Aurélie Aubry and Lucille Daver

Thursday October 24, 2024

6 pm to 10:30 pm

There will be a half hour break

Workshop given in French

$70.00 ( taxes not included)

Part 1: Introduction to gemmology for the discerning jeweller

Buying a gem goes far beyond simply choosing a colour. Depending on the type of jewel and the setting, several elements come into play.

For instance will your gem hold up well enough to be set in a ring, or would it be better suited to a pendant? These questions, as well as light sensitivity and the impact of inclusions on durability, will be explored in depth.

By the end of this part of the course, we will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the intricate language of gemmology. You will be equipped with the knowledge to distinguish between different gemstone varieties, understand their value factors, and make educated decisions in various practical scenarios.

Maximum 9 students per class

Three precious stones

Join us for a captivating and informative night as we delve into the fascinating realm of gemmology. Our workshops, led by esteemed gemologists Aurélie Aubry and Lucille Daver, both holding PhD’s in Earth Sciences, promise to demystify the art of gemmology.
Gain valuable insights and knowledge as Aurélie and Lucille share their expertise and passion for gems. This immersive experience is designed to be both stimulating and enriching, offering participants an opportunity to explore the intricate world of gemstones.

Aurélie Aubry and Lucille Daver

Thursday November 7, 2024

6 pm to 10:30 pm

There will be a half hour break

Workshop given in French

$70.00 ( taxes not included)

Part 2: The secrets of the precious stones

When we talk about gems, these names spring to mind first, those known as the precious stones. Dive into the fascinating world of these three exceptional gems: the shimmering emerald, the royal sapphire and the flamboyant ruby.

Whether you're a passionate hobbyist or a seasoned professional in the field, this course will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the dazzling world of these three precious gems.

This lecture will cover the first 3 gems. The diamond will follow in a separate lecture.

Maximum 9 students per class

The Diamond

Join us for a captivating and informative night as we delve into the fascinating realm of gemmology. Our workshops, led by esteemed gemologists Aurélie Aubry and Lucille Daver, both holding PhD’s in Earth Sciences, promise to demystify the art of gemmology.
Gain valuable insights and knowledge as Aurélie and Lucille share their expertise and passion for gems. This immersive experience is designed to be both stimulating and enriching, offering participants an opportunity to explore the intricate world of diamonds.

Aurélie Aubry and Lucille Daver

Thursday, November 14, 2024

6 pm to 10:30 pm

There will be a half hour break

Workshop given in French

$70.00 ( taxes not included)

maximum 9 students per class

Part 3 : Diamonds are a girl's best friend" and "a diamond is forever" are just a few of the mystical phrases that have made diamonds a must-have in the imagination of people all over the world. In this lecture, you will discover the history of the king of gems: its physical and optical properties, the classification criteria that affect its price, the evolution of its cut, and its treatment and synthesis.

Whether you are a passionate amateur or a curious professional, this course will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the dazzling world of diamonds."

Introduction to working with wax

Maximum 8 students per class

Working in wax is a fun way to create 3 dimensional jewellery. It can be done simply at home with a few tools unlike traditional metal working techniques that are more easily done in a studio.

Day 1: Carving a Ring in Wax

Day 2: Take your ring to be cast and finish it in metal

Instructor: Andrew Floyd

  • Bilingual

  • Monday, November 18, 2024 Part 1

  • Monday, November 25, 2024 Part 2

  • Time: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

  • 2 classes of 4 hours each

  • $140.00 ( taxes not included )

  • Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided). Materials are not included.

Create a simple wax ring that you will take to be cast in metal. Learn to clean and polish your metal ring in part 2.

Cloisonné Enamel Workshop

Instructor: Gayane Avetisyan

Bilingual class

  • 2 Tuesday evenings

  • 6:30 to 10:30 pm

  • December 10, 2024

  • December 17, 2024

  • $260.00 ( taxes not included )

  • Materials $40.00 ( paid to the teacher at the class ) 8-10 colours of enamels, 1 piece pre-cut fine silver shape, cloisonné wire, fine silver foil, klir-fire (glue to attach the wires).

Cloisonne Enamel

During this workshop, we will continue to explore the magical world of enameling. The cloisonné process involves creating compartments, or cloisons, on the fine silver surface, usually with thin strips of wire. Then we fill those compartments with different colours of enamel. The object is then fired in a kiln to melt and fuse the enamel, resulting in a colourful, intricate design. The pieces you make can then be transformed into wearable art, small scale art objects or prototypes for future works.

*Some knowledge of enameling is required for this class.

*tweezers, scissors, and diamond files along with other necessary tools will be provided for the students to borrow during the class.

maximum 6 students per class

Instructor: Emilie Guillaume

Monday, December 16, 2024

10am to 4pm (one hour lunch)

Workshop given in French

Cost of Workshop - $150.00 ( taxes not included )

Advanced Stone Setting Workshop

In this workshop you will begin to learn:

  • how to prepare and sharpen gravers

  • scalloped setting

  • bead setting

  • how to properly prepare the seats for the stone

  • how to set the stones using gravers and beading tools

Cost of materials

The kit of 3 gravers with one handle - $62.00 (tax not included)

Second handle - $12.00 (tax not included)

Prerequisite for this class is module 3 -4 or the equivalent training in setting stones.

Silver butterfly pendant and burrs - $35.00 (tax not included)

This course is for jewellers who are interested in learning advanced setting techniques

Level : Advanced

Learn how to properly prepare seats and how to set small stones.

By becoming aware of the realities and difficulties that a jeweller encounters when working with a poorly prepared setting, students will learn correct mounting techniques that will facilitate and increase the quality of their work.

Maximum 6 Students per class