Winter Classes 2024

Classes for Beginners: Modules 1-2 or 3

Maximum 6 students per class

Instructor: Kyung Sun, Lim

You will be studying one module at a time — In these classes students will cover material from Modules 1, 2 or 3. Each Module takes approximately 32 hours (8 weeks) to complete and students are encouraged to work at their own pace.

  • Bilingual

  • Tuesday Morning

  • 9 am to 12 pm

  • October 29 to December 17

  • 8 classes of 3 hours

  • $315.00 (taxes not included)

Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).

Each new Module will commence when all exercises from the previous Module have been completed.

Classes for Beginners: Modules 1-2 or 3

Maximum 8 students per class

Instructor: Kyung Sun, Lim

You will be studying one module at a time — In these classes students will cover material from Modules 1, 2 or 3. Each Module takes approximately 32 hours (8 weeks) to complete and students are encouraged to work at their own pace.

  • Bilingual

  • Tuesday afternoon

  • 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm

  • October 29 to December 17

  • 8 classes of 4 hours

  • $420.00 ( taxes not included )

Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).

Each new Module will commence when all exercises from the previous Module have been completed.

Classes for Beginners: Modules 1-2 or 3

Maximum 10 students per class

Instructor: Samy Douma

You will be studying one module at a time — In these classes students will cover material from Modules 1, 2 or 3. Each Module takes approximately 32 hours (8 weeks) to complete and students are encouraged to work at their own pace.

  • Bilingual

  • Tuesday Evening

  • 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm

  • October 29 to December 3

  • 6 classes of 4 hours

  • $325.00 ( taxes not included )

Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).

Each new Module will commence when all exercises from the previous Module have been completed.

Personal Projects: Intermediate

Instructor: Gustavo Estrada

Maximum 6 students per class

Pursue projects of your own design based on your skill level. Projects will be overseen by the teacher and instruction offered throughout the process

  • Bilingual

  • Wednesday Morning

  • 9 am to 12 pm

  • October 30 to December 18

  • 8 classes of 3 hours

  • $315.00 (taxes not included)

— Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).

— Prerequisite: Two sessions of Jewellery Fundamentals or the equivalent 64 hours of training.

— Level: Intermediate

Classes for Beginners: Modules 1-2 or 3

Instructor: Norsola Johnson

You will be studying one module at a time — In these classes students will cover material from Modules 1, 2 or 3. Each Module takes approximately 32 hours (8 weeks) to complete and students are encouraged to work at their own pace.

Maximum 8 students per class

  • Bilingual

  • Wednesday afternoon

  • 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

  • October 30 to December 18

  • 8 classes of 4 hours

  • $420 ( taxes not included )

— Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).

— Each new Module will commence when all exercises from the previous Module have been completed.

Module 3 - 4, Stone Setting

Instructor: Norsola Johnson

You will be studying one module at a time — In these classes students will cover material from Modules 3 and 4 Each Module takes approximately 32 hours (8 weeks) to complete and students are encouraged to work at their own pace.

Maximum 10 students per class

  • Bilingual

  • Wednesday Evening

    6:30 pm to 10:30 PM

  • October 30 to December 18

  • 8 classes of 4 hours

  • $420 ( taxes not included )

  • To read more about Module 3 and 4 look at our curriculum

— Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).

— Each new Module will commence when all exercises from the previous Module have been completed.

Classes for Beginners: Modules 1-2 or 3

Maximum 6 students per class

Instructor: Kyung Sun, Lim

You will be studying one module at a time — In these classes students will cover material from Modules 1, 2 or 3. Each Module takes approximately 32 hours (8 weeks) to complete and students are encouraged to work at their own pace.

  • Bilingual

  • Thursday Morning

  • 9 am to 12 pm

  • October 31 to December 19

  • 8 classes of 3 hours

  • $315.00 (taxes not included)

Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).

Each new Module will commence when all exercises from the previous Module have been completed.

Classes for Beginners: Modules 1-2 or 3

Maximum 8 students per class

Instructor: Kyung Sun, Lim

You will be studying one module at a time — In these classes students will cover material from Modules 1, 2 or 3. Each Module takes approximately 32 hours (8 weeks) to complete and students are encouraged to work at their own pace.

  • Bilingual

  • Thursday afternoon

  • 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm

  • October 31 to December 19

  • 8 classes of 4 hours

  • $420.00 ( taxes not included )

Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).

Each new Module will commence when all exercises from the previous Module have been completed.

Classes for Beginners: Modules 1-2 or 3

Instructor: Andrew Floyd

You will be studying one module at a time — In these classes students will cover material from Modules 1, 2 or 3. Each Module takes approximately 32 hours (8 weeks) to complete and students are encouraged to work at their own pace.

Maximum 10 students per class

  • Bilingual

  • Thursday evening

  • 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm

  • October 31 to December 19

  • 8 classes of 4 hours

  • $420.00 ( taxes not included )

— Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).

— Each new Module will commence when all exercises from the previous Module have been completed.

Classes for Intermediate to Advanced

Instructor: Gustavo Estrada

Maximum 10 students per class

In these classes students may cover material from Modules 4 to 8. Or students may pursue projects of their own design based on their skill level and experience. Material from the modules will be incorporated but projects will be decided on an individual basis. Projects will be overseen by the teacher and instruction offered throughout the process.

  • Bilingual

  • Friday evening

  • 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm

  • November 1 to December 20

  • Please note there will be no class on November 22, 2024

  • 7 classes of 4 hours

  • $370.00 ( taxes not included )

— Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).

— Prerequisite: Three sessions of Jewellery Fundamentals or the equivalent 96 hours of training.

— Level: Intermediate-advanced

Classes for Beginners: Modules 1-2 or 3

Maximum 8 students per class

Instructor: Samy Douma

You will be studying one module at a time — In these classes students will cover material from Modules 1, 2 or 3. Each Module takes approximately 32 hours (8 weeks) to complete and students are encouraged to work at their own pace.

  • Bilingual

  • Saturday afternoon

  • 1pm to 5pm

  • November 2 to December 21

  • 8 classes of 4 hours

  • $420.00 ( taxes not included )

Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).

Each new Module will commence when all exercises from the previous Module have been completed.

Personal Projects: Intermediate - Advanced

Instructor: Gustavo Estrada

Pursue projects of your own design based on your skill level. Projects will be overseen by the teacher and instruction offered throughout the process.

Maximum 10 students per class

  • Bilingual

  • Sunday

  • 10:30 am to 4:00 pm (1/2 hour lunch break)

  • November 3 to December 22, 2024

  • Please note there will be no class November 24, 2024

  • 7 classes of 5 hours

  • $460.00 ( taxes not included )

— Prerequisite: Three sessions of Jewellery Fundamentals or the equivalent 96 hours of training.

— Level: Intermediate-advanced

— Materials are not included. Materials may be purchased from the instructor (tools provided).