Bench Rental Information

To purchase a Bench Rental Package:

If you are new to Atelier Artéfact please Sign Up and pay the yearly administration fee of $25.00.

If you are a returning client please return your key and this will cover the 25$ administrative fee.

After you have signed up and payed for your package all clients must contact for studio policies and details regarding the lock box. You will be provided with a personal code that will allow you to use a shared key and given an appointment with the studio head to go over use of the lock box and your responsibilities in the studio, such as closing the torch when you leave.

The studio bench rentals are available in 2 different packages. $147.00 + 22.01 (14.975% tax) allows you to buy the 42 hour bi-monthly studio package. $84.00 + 12.57 (14.975% tax) allows you to buy the 21 hour bi-monthly studio package. Once you buy a package you can then book from available blocks of time in the calendar which must be redeemed within a 2 month period.

If you have any questions please contact

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